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Thankful Thursday - Stay-at-Home Moms | Forums | What to Expect (1)

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Thankful Thursday - Stay-at-Home Moms | Forums | What to Expect (2)


Good morning mamas! I have 36 of 50 loaves of bread made, and I'm baking the last 16 today (I bake in batches of four, so I'll have two extra). I will be very thankful when this is over!

This week I'm thankful for our school system - we had kindergarten orientation yesterday, and my youngest, who has a lot of anxiety about starting school, did so well. We met with the teacher, the guidance counselor, the school nurse, the secretary - basically any adult she'll come into contact with. It was a tad overwhelming for her, but they all did a great job of making her feel special and welcomed and it definitely helped her relax. Everytime my inner mama bear comes out and I have an urge to home school, I think about the great teachers and support staff and remember that they do an amazing job, and I could never teach as well (and I'd go crazy 🤪).

I'm thankful for Amazon - living in a rural area makes it hard to have access to a lot of things. But Amazon makes it possible, 😂

I'm thankful for my kitchenaid mixer. She's been a real champ this week and hasn't ever let me down!

On that note, I'm thankful for my dishwasher. I hate handwashing dishes so this is a lifesaver for me.

Thankful for blue skies, puffy clouds, pretty flowers, and happy girl giggles and smiles.

What are you thankful for this week? ❤️

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Update: 8 loaves completed, 4 loaves rising, and I'm about to start the last batch of 4...phew! I know no one cares, but I had to tell someone because I'm pretty proud and SOOO close to being finished!

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nice of you and your sister to step up and assist for the church event

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Wow! That's a lot of breadmaking!

I'm also thankful for Amazon and dishwashers. I don't use my mixer as often anymore but it definitely is a fabulous invention, especially when making bread!

I'm thankful for one year with my daughter! She turns one today! 😭 Where has my baby gone?! Being her mama is the best thing ever and I wouldn't trade this for anything.

I'm thankful for the time spent with family. My in-laws were here for a week and then my parents. We had a small, intimate little birthday party for her and we went to the rodeo. My mom and I finally got my dad to the lake and we took a fun drive into Canada for a day. I managed to stay on the paddle board. Don't ask me how, but I did, three times!

I'm thankful for physical therapists. I am in physical therapy for my neck and pelvic floor and my right arm will be added to the mix in a couple of weeks. Thankful for insurance and getting this all done before it ends at the end of September. I'm thankful for doctors who can diagnose my problems and give me treatment options.

I didn't post last week, but I'm thankful that my MIL painted the hallway and stairway and my FIL helped my husband with the ceiling dry wall and mudding. Last thing is putting in the lights, texturing the ceiling and painting. We are getting our house sellable in case we have to move for a job, so projects are finally moving along. Windows are getting trimmed and my husband is putting in a new banister. The existing one is not up to code and we've had a net there for our daughter. The new one in the small section he's done looks so good! Thankful for a handy husband.

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Thankful Thursday - Stay-at-Home Moms | Forums | What to Expect (28)



Happy birthday to your daughter! Also, great job on the paddleboard!

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I am thankful for a rainy lazy day. We’re staying in our pjs today. I’m also thankful for a full night of sleep. My soon-to-be-one-year-old is cutting 2 teeth so we have had sleepless nights, but last night I put him to bed at 7pm, he briefly woke up at 10:30 but put himself back to sleep by 10:35, and slept until 7am!!!

Last week my senior dog (almost 12 years old) started losing fur in a big patch on his back. My husband and I agreed that unless he was bothered by the area or the skin started to look bad, we would hold off on taking him to the vet, since it was probably allergies and we just upped his medication dose 1.5 weeks ago. Well, Sunday it was red, irritated, and bleeding. I took him to the vet Monday, expecting the worst because of his age, and it’s a bad skin infection, treatable with antibiotics. So I’m thankful it’s not something worse.

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that’s great your dog’s symptoms aren’t anything to serious and can be treated with medication!! Hope he gets better very soon!

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Thankful Thursday - Stay-at-Home Moms | Forums | What to Expect (47)



Oh, I'm so glad to hear your doggie will be okay ❤️❤️❤️

I hope you have a great lazy day! I love those!

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I am thankful today is Thursday, as that means we are close to the weekend.

I am thankful morning drop off went well for one of my sons . It’s a new drop off procedure compared to first day of school (yesterday) and last school year.

I am thankful my one son had a positive experience with school lunch today. Last school year he wasn’t a fan of school lunch. Glad he’s warming up to school lunch idea. He said he will take some days depending on what is on the school lunch menu.

I am thankful for the wonderful teachers my kids have.

I am thankful for all the growth and progress my kids have made. They truly have grown a lot since preschool two years back.

I am thankful for the progress my kids have made with sleeping in their own room. I am thankful my husband was open to trying to get the kids to sleep together without parents again , and all the work he’s putting into it.

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Name: Moshe Kshlerin

Birthday: 1994-01-25

Address: Suite 609 315 Lupita Unions, Ronnieburgh, MI 62697

Phone: +2424755286529

Job: District Education Designer

Hobby: Yoga, Gunsmithing, Singing, 3D printing, Nordic skating, Soapmaking, Juggling

Introduction: My name is Moshe Kshlerin, I am a gleaming, attractive, outstanding, pleasant, delightful, outstanding, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.